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International MBSR-Teacher Training EUR_6 – Module 2

26. Mai 2024 - 31. Mai 2024

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From March 2024 until June 2025, this English-language MBSR teacher training near Berlin offers a compact format of four modules online and three modules live.

It is the IMA’s response to the many requests we have received from the international community to present our highly successful training program in a format that makes it accessible for people living in all parts of Europe and around the world. It is also our answer to requests from people living in countries where no program is offered.
Berlin is easy to reach, with many direct flights from major cities. As a cosmopolitan city at the center of Europe, it is a lively and culturally rich place to visit. The seminar house is a lovely yoga center in a country landscape a short distance outside the city, reachable by public transport from airport and central train station.

Who Might Be Interested in this program?
  • Trainees who are interested in a certificate-level training that is compact, clearly structured, and transparent in terms of requirements, certification process, etc.
  • Our program is in a cohort group structure (the same students attend each time). Unlike many programs with different participants each time, our program develops an MBSR teacher community that extends far beyond the end of the IMA program.
  • This group is limited to 26 participants. This allows a more personal atmosphere as well as the opportunity for more intensive interaction between faculty and students. We have committed to quality, rather than quantity
  • The IMA’s program is viable and accessible for people from countries where no MBSR teacher training is offered.
  • For those persons living in Germany, Switzerland or Austria, who do not speak German well and cannot participate in our German-language programs.
  • For people who like to study in an international context and wish to establish network contacts with participants outside their own country.

For further information and to register, please follow this link:


After registering with the institute for mindfulness, please book your accommodation and board with the following link.

Ich bestätige, dass ich die Zimmerreservierung auf Basis der gültigen Preisliste und Stornierungsbedingungen durchführe. ( (Pflichtfeld)

Ich bestätige, dass ich die Datenschutzerklärung des Rosenwaldhof gelesen habe und sie akzeptiere. ( (Pflichtfeld)

Weitere Angaben

15 Uhr
13:30 Uhr nach dem Mittagessen
ab 14 Uhr
Bitte beachten
We are happy to pick you up from the train station GÖTZ - please reserve your shuttle in time.


Bergstraße 2
Groß Kreutz (Havel), 14550 Deutschland
+ Google Karte
033207 / 5668-0