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Khandro Kunzang

Khandro Kunzang has been a devoted student and follower of the Dharma for most of her life. In the early 1990’s, she left behind a promising career, family, home and friends, to pursue her practice of the Dharma and became a novice nun in the Drikung Kagyu lineage, studying under Khenchen Konchog Gyaltsen and H.E. Garchen Rinpoche.

In 1998 she met Acharya Dawa Chhodak Rinpoche while attending a Dharma healing seminar. Impressed with his teachings, knowledge and great generosity, she invited him to come to teach at the Towson Dharma Center in Maryland and received many teachings and empowerments from him. In 1999 she accompanied Lama Dawa Rinpoche on his U.S. teaching tour as his attendant, continued to received teachings from him, and also completed the short Dudjom Ngondro.

Following the advice of Garchen Rinpoche and Lama Dawa Rinpoche, she left the U.S. and traveled to Nepal in the fall of 1999 in order to meet the great Nyingmapa Tsa-Lung and Dzogchen master, Kunzang Dorje Rinpoche. Perceiving him to be the embodiment of Guru Rinpoche, without hesitation she offered her body, speech and mind to him and became his disciple. He conferred upon her the tantric precepts and gave her the name Kunzang Dechen Chodron. Following her Guru’s instruction, she became the consort and companion to Acharya Dawa Chhodak Rinpoche, becoming his main support for his teachings and activities in North America.

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