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Katharina Kunze


Katharina (I) am trained in Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga. I completed my yoga training in Rishikesh, at the foot of the Himalayas. My teacher, Siddhantji, set an impactful example that seemed to me to embody the yogic teachings. I felt from him a peaceful presence and indiscriminatory kindness.

I have also been deeply influenced by Jivamukti yoga as taught at Three Boons in Berlin. This is where I started practicing yoga. I am indebted to their indepth teaching which is the example I use to guide my classes.


While my training in India taught me about yoga philosophy and practices beyond asana like pranayama and meditation; it is the Jivamukti style that is most visible in my asana classes.

This means:

  • often active and dynamic classes, starting with sun salutation variations, adding physically challenging poses in between and moving on to more supine and stretchy sequences towards the end

  • very detailed alignment cues in class and manual assists as necessary/as the class capacity allows

  • fluid pose sequencing and continuous direction on synchronous breath and movement

  • music integrated to varying extents

  • neck, head and face massage in savasana


    While I personally practice Vipassana meditation, during retreats I will be introducing you to different styles. I was also taught in the mahamudra tradition by Daniel Brown, in transcendental meditation and in various other meditation techniques during the teacher training. I will introduce you to some of them in the meditation classes.

    I have also increasingly prioritised pranayama as an effective way to move and activate energy in the body, thus giving us more control over our physical and mental states. In our morning classes we usually start with energising and cleansing practices, and close with balancing or calming methods, which can also be used later in the day or at night to prepare to rest.

Juni 2025

Yoga Retreat mit Inner Walk

mit Katharina Kunze, 18. Juni - 22. Juni

Genieße Dein Sein mit täglichen Yoga- und Pranayama-Sessions und tauche tief ein in die Natur mit Inner Walk – einer besonderen, stillen Gehmeditation von ca. 4 h. Zusätzliche Entspannungsangebote wie Yin Yoga, Reflexologie, Selbstmassage und mehr! Für weitere Infos, Anmeldung und Zimmerreservierung melde Dich bitte direkt bei Katharina – bitte hier klicken.

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